ATTENTION: The rules of OWOH say it is to be open until 12 midnight 2/17 PST...I have noticed WAAAY too many have closed up shop early. I will be following the rules, so you have until 12PST or 3am EST to post comments. I think it was really rude of so many to go against the rules.
NOTE: please scroll down for newer posts including my 1rst blogoversary post (Monday) and giveaways.
It's the most wonderful time of the year! I am speaking of course of the WORLDWIDE BLOG HOP, with HUNDREDS of stops and new friends to meet!
Visit our proud, talented, dedicated, hardworking
and certainly the Hostess with the Mostess;
Lisa over @ A Whimsical Bohemian
which was started 5 years ago for bloggers to meet and get to know other bloggers, sadly this is the final year.
Hello and welcome!
Please kick off your shoes and make your self cozy in front of my wood stove.(It is burning, I couldn't seem to capture the "orange" I even tried to take it with the lights out :( )
Would you like some Coffee or Tea? (mug from my 23 yr old daughter I rec'd for Christmas/Yule)
I want to learn about who you are and what you like, the best way to do that is to share a bit about me, which of course will spur conversation. I think the best way to do that is to give you a peek into my life via some past blog posts, actually some pictures and captions from past blog posts.
I hope you will be Illuminated by these few snippets and like what you see. it would be wonderful to see you again. :) You may consider it a tad long, but I think it gives you a good idea of the person I am.
When awarded the Kreativ blogger award these are 2 of the 7 things I offered up about myself
I was an owner/operator of a tree and firewood service company with my husband (we started it before we were married) for 5 years. We worked side by side, and he always said I was his best assistant (as sometimes he'd have a friend fill in for me) 9 months pregnant with our son, I was still his "rope man" to pull and keep slack on trees as he cut them down. I have my own chainsaw. (however now with the disabilities I do not cut wood any more...I can still use the log splitter though)
When I was a young teenager (13-16) I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Horror Comic books, looking back now, I do not know why.
I rec'd the sweet blogger and I needed to pass it on to 6 people, and say why:
I am picking 6 people, who are uplifting, in my corner (so to speak) can sympathize or empathize with my current Life's circumstances, or simply post things that make me smile (regularly).
#2 Nicole at Beadwright... she understands pain, and fatigue, and is always a ray of sunshine #3 Angelique at Sliekje digi stamps... she always has such adorable drawing for everyone and anyone. I love her style. and she makes me smile! #4 Alison at Free Digital Stamps... for always giving us the links to the "goods" even when she or her children are ill! #5 BrendaLea at Purple Lady's Life and Art... did 29 days of giving, and actually followed through on it. I was on someone else's blog for this and they kept quitting and restarting etc...I think they only got to about day 11, and the stuff has not been sent to those winners. I have basically given up on expecting my win to arrive. Anyway BrendaLea is a awesomely sweet lady! #6 Jacque of Jacque's Joie de Vivre... for dealing with a major disease with grace and poise, and thinking of everyone else but herself!
we had a house fire last night, started in my newly renovated son's room from a floor fan. Due to quick action on mine and my husband's part, by closing the door, and calling 911 immediately upon opening the door and seeing the thick smoke, it remained contained to the one room. AND no one was injured!...
and the following "Dear so and case you want to read it:
On 6/22/10 I turned NIFTY FIFTY, on 6/25 it was 5 question Friday. Here are the Q&A for that time in my life:
1. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?
not really, not any longer...perhaps the recorder ...I wish I knew how to play the violin, I love violin and cello music!
2. What is your pet peeve while driving?
other drivers using their cell ever did we survive without them, ugh!
3. Would you rather have a housekeeper or unlimited spa services?
HOUSEKEEPER hands down, I was supposed to get one after I started working full time in my field, but there was still rooms under construction and rooms that were like storage, and I had 2 kids moving out then moving back in it never happened. I HATE, HATE, HATE housework! Now that I am disabled there is only so much I can do anyway...we need a slightly smaller house, and a housekeeper!
4. Is there a song that you hear that will take you back to the moment, like a junior high or high school dance?
"I Want to Know What Love is" by Foreigner always makes me think of the early days of my hubby and I. Other Foreigner, Boston, and Aerosmith songs take me back to some HS memories of a group I hung out with for a while and the fun we had the summer of my junior year!
5. What song best represents your life right now?
"Burning down the House" by Talking Heads
My 9/11/10 post:
I participate in Alphabe-Thursday (Jenny Matlock) This was my post for "B" this past philosophy:
My Thoughts on how to BE!
* always B true to yourself, your principles, your values, your feelings
* let sleeping dogs B
This is my son's dog Pico (who I think is now ours)
* leave the past where it B man!
* NEVER B sorry for Being Honest!
* Try to always B kind
* B a courteous driver
* let your inner child out occasionally to B FREE!
* B there for your Parents, they are the reason you B in existence!
* B observant, you never know, what you see might be helpful to someone else
* B able to laugh at yourself
* B in tune with your body...if it wants to vegg-out, sleep, eat or dance-- let it
* B patient with your spouse's shortcomings, we all have them
* B a PARENT to your children, they have others to B their friends
* B aware of the friends your children have, the music they B listening to, their likes and dislikes(this will help you see when something B out of sync with them)
* B good to our planet, it B the only one we cigarettes out the car window--they are messy and cause forest fires, pick up your own litter, if you see litter and you are near a trash can pick that up, B responsible and RECYCLE and COMPOST (even if you do not garden...somebody you know might, and they would appreciate your mulch :) )
* do NOT B cruel to animals
* do NOT B afraid to ask questions when you B at the doctor' is your Body, no question is stupid!
* B protective and nurturing to your Brain, it needs stimulation, read Books, challenge yourself
* B the friend, you'd like to have B yours
* B open-minded
upon being given another award or 2 just recently...I offered up 7 more things about me- here's 2 of those tidbits:
My middle name is Elaine...and...I type with 2-4 fingers, still looking at the keys even though I took typing in HS and "keyboarding" in college. I can type the correct way, but it is sloooowww. I am pretty darn fast with my own method.
Here is a poem of mine:
My family:
My daughter April, 28 now, here she's 24
Our son Tom, 24 now, here about 20
Our daughter Amanda, 23 now 21 here
The Hubster Ron, 69 now, about 62 here
You can see me on the side bar, with loads of over info :)
Our "Pretty"
You can peruse my blog to see some of my art, and/or see the slide show at the bottom if you choose to. I am a scrapbooker, stamper, and paper artist, as well as altered and mixed media Artist.
Did I tell you, that last year's OWOH event is what finally made me decide to have a blog? I had been hemming and hawing for a while. I've never regretted it for a second and I have made many wonderful friends, and kindred spirits! My 1 year blogoversary is 2/5.
(see my blogoversary post for many more giveaways-most from etsy shoppe owners or companies) I have had many wonderful milestones during this year, and am actually amazed that people are interested in what I have to say, or to make and share. For me that is what is keeping me afloat in this world, as I am disabled and 80% of the time housebound. The world became smaller in the past year, I've met many guys and gals that have disabilities, and many with amazing Abilities! I learned a lot also, which at my age is ALWAYS a grand thing! Last year's LOGO, the theme was magic carpet ride.
I am offering up some lovely giveaways to say
Thank you for visiting me, I hope you'll come back and see me again, one can never have too many friends. :)
Birds of a feather = friends...these are NOT the giveaway, see below
I am drawing AT LEAST 2 winners, an American winner and a winner from any other country.
For my international winner I have for you A $20 Gift certificate to one of my favorite Jewelry shops;
For an American winner I have a Large Card making kit I am making myself. here are just a few pictures.
SHOWN: A pkg. of 25 card bases and envelopes in Ivory, 10 bright card bases and white envelopes(I might add another 5- 15 to this) A pkg. of making Memories rub-on sentiments, a pretty post-it note pad (for making notes for yourself about new techniques etc) approx 10 double sided pretty card stock pieces, a few self adhesive printed card stock pieces, some single sided printed papers.
close ups
as promised here is the photo of the other goodies that are part of the grand prize--Card making kit:
a package of Home made Card candy, container of mixed buttons, container of mixed Prima flowers, circle and square slide mounts, pre-packaged chipboard buttons in various shapes and shades of red and orange, lots of Punchinella, 13+ yards of fiber, 15 1/2-yard size pieces of ribbon, and at least 60 stamped images and/or sentiments, some stamped by me, many not.
CHECK this OUT! for every 50 entries I will add another giveaway (for either National or International-Capping out at 200 comments...I have another smaller card kit, and am planning a couple of my altered art pieces)
WE HAVE PASSED the 50 comment mark, so here is the first add-on prize which can go to anyone, anywhere.

2 ACEOs-"Old Friends" and "Question Secrets"...some beads used and a metal ribbon slide I think it actually used to be a piece of jewelry, specialty paper, vellum, collage images, and words. These will come wrapped in a lovely bundle of Ephemera.
AS promised we have gone past 100 comments so it is time to add on something else. This time I am adding another card kit, it is basically the same as the first picture, minus the little making memories tiny blossoms, and the designer papers are different. then jump to the embellishment picture and you get the buttons and the flowers, a little less ribbon, a little more fibers, less images and sentiments, less punchinella, no card candy, no slide mounts, and not one of those chip board button packs. THIS CARD KIT will go to anyone anywhere. NOTE: the flowers and buttons will be in baggies not containers to keep my shipping costs down.
WOWZA, here we go again we are at 150 comments, so here is yet another prize that will go to anyone anywhere:
3 Italian tumbled stone tiles that I hand stamped with Timber Brown Staz-on ink, spray sealed and made into magnets. Each tile is 1 and 7/8" square and 3/8" thick. They are in a sea shell theme and go together in the set of 3.
**NOTE: one more prize will be added as long as we reach 200 or more comments.
OK we have passed the 200 mark, therefore I am adding one last prize:
that means 13 yards of fibers, 13- 1/2 yards of ribbons, 13 buttons, 13 pieces of old jewelry that can be used for embellishing, 13 vintage book pages, 13 scraps of fabric, 13 stamped backgrounds (A2 size) 13 collage images cut from quality collage sheets.
AGAIN this can go to anyone, anywhere!
How to be eligible:
* You must have an active blog (as this is the point of a blog hop)
* NO anonymous posts will be accepted...that is MY BLOG POLICY
* You must comment on this post, ONLY once
* You MUST add your email to the BODY of your comment in this form: (ex.) sallysmith AT gmail DOT com---spell out at and dot, otherwise you are giving out your email to the world internet"bots"
* You MUST tell me in your comment where you are located
* PLEASE be a participant in this hop
* I'd LIKE it very much if you'd answer this question; "What made you start your blog?"
COMMENTS CLOSE AT 3am EST on 2/18/11, which is in compliance with OWOH rules of 12amPST
It would be my pleasure to Light your way along the FLIGHT path to the next stop on your ride through our ONE World and it's common ONE Heart!!
Bye, Bye Birdie!!