Hi everyone, my apologies for missing so many days here in blogland. I was really out-of-it. I am doing much better(not 100%--but getting there).
My daughter Amanda and I went to a charity "crop' yesterday for "relay for life" Most of the 11 hours we were there I worked on a swap, that was due...will show them on altered thursday.
I did get 2- 2page L/O's done. (no journaling yet). I will show you all the L/O's for this particular event that I have completed thus far (including the ones I did yesterday)
In November, Ron and I drove all the way from the NJ shore to LOGAN, WV ...it was a VERY LONG drive. Both Triple A and Yahoo maps said it would be an 8.5 hour drive, it was about 11 in actuality, and we did the speed limit (65 most of the time) or OVER (up to 10 miles over) so I do not get how they came up with 8.5 hours...we really didn't have any traffic, and we did not get lost at all.
Triple A's directions were identical to yahoo maps except for one sections (about 1.5 hours of the trip according to them) that was more direct, and looking on the map it did appear to be more direct, so we used their directions...but they were so far off on the time.
We were in Logan about 7pm Friday night, til about 11:30am Sunday. We then left logan and headed to Greenville, NC to see our son and his S/O. Again the directions were just about identical from yahoo maps and Triple A, we went with Triple A's, according to both...about 7.5 hour drive.
We did get lost and had to back track for about 1.5 hours--due to a missing sign. So I broke out the map, and got us back to where we needed to be to get back on track heading to Greenville. SO...it was about a 10.5 hour drive, again their time was off...but only about 1.5 hours, not as bad as the other. JEEZ.
Anyway, We were in Logan,WV for a Continuing Education credit seminar for me, it was on Forensic imaging, and was 8 CE's...I was the person that travel the farthest, they made me kind of a celebrity for that, LOL it was held at the Hospital in Logan, and most of the people there worked at that hospital, there were a handful of people from Virginia, and other areas of W Virginia, and a Guy from Ohio.

We were in the Blue Ridge Mountains (cool), and they had actual tunnels under the mountains, and the name of that particular mountain was over the tunnel, this one was "Tuscarora" We passed MANY, many dairy farms (or farms with cows anyway). We were told we missed all the "Color" by about 2 weeks...that was sad but the scenery was still beautiful. The little pine trees, and the cow(s) were cut on a gal's Cricut for me, and the letters. I used distress stickles around the letters. For this trip, I decided I was going to try and use up some old paper, I am sure many of you will recognize some of the papers. Here are 2 sheets of paper with tired tracks all over in the vertical position and then I used one sheet of Mountian trees, and tore it for vertical borders. these pictures are on our way in to Logan.
Note of Interest: the area around and the town of logan, are on the Original land of the Hatfields and the Mc Coys. Now there are hundreds of miles of trails there called the Hatfield-McCoy trails, and people come from all over the US (maybe out of country also, who knows) to ride their quads, mountain bikes etc. on these trails.
Note the picture on the lower right corner of page 1, it shows how they cut the mountain in steps to help with falling rocks. Like I said the scenery was lovely, but a few weeks sooner it would have been Gorgeous. I'd like to explore WV some more if I get the opportunity. The whole time I was there
John Denver's Country Roads was playing in my head. These pictures are around Logan.
The frame on these pages is part of the paper, including the brown leaves, I lust added green glitter brads. Additionally I added some store bought 3D embellies, and then I used my cuttlebug to cut out the green leaves. I added gold glitter brads to those. I then used gel pens to accent the leaves on one page and left the other page alone, awaiting opinions. These pictures are now leaving Logan, WV and heading to NC.
The 2 bottom pictures are of interest, as the one on the left shows a memorial and also a county marker for Yeager county--home of "Chuck Yeager" the first Pilot to break the sound barrier. The other bottom picture was of interest, because someone built a small lighthouse out there in the middle of no where, near no water LOL. It wasn't small enough to just be yard decor, and it was too small at least compared to "old Barney" Barnegat Light House or Cape May light house, here in NJ.
We noticed that it was strange out there, as there would a mixture of buildings, in small areas. Example: house,house,house,church,house,store,store,house. it was like this all the way through the mountains. The other thing we noticed was that ALMOST every house had a smoke house way back on their property. We are guessing most folks out here hunt. Pretty much everyone had ATV's also, Our guess is due to the grade, and for snowy/icy weather.

We were watching the exit signs for a nice place to stop and have lunch, and I wanted to eat at a "Cracker Barrel" as we never have so we finally saw the sign for one, and got off at that exit, we also saw signs for this "Tamarack" having no idea what it is. when we got off the exit ramp, "Tamarack" was right in front of us, and we saw no other buildings. We thought ok, Cracker Barrel, must be inside. WRONG! Tamarack is this HUGE star shaped building with a conference center and a food court, AND...all these little shops with HOME CRAFTED items only from various artists from WV.
Ron, knowing full well that I would want to shop, and we had a place to get to, was quick to say, we need to leave, but I wanted to at least check out the food court and find the rest room.
I will say for the most part the items we saw along the way to the food court/rest rooms...were WONDERFUL!! there was one shop in particular that also caught Ron's eye, and in hind site I should have taken a picture, DOH!! It was a shop where the artist (a man) worked and sculpted with Bronze he had many pieces in there, most were along the lines of Fishing and Hunting (fishing, is why the shop caught Ron's eye) there were big sculptures AND tables, the one was a huge, beautifully crafted coffee table of a Fly fisherman, rod and line included, now, at about his waist level, there was a fairly deep indent into the body of the sculpture, where they slid a bevel edged 1" thick glass peanut-shaped table top which the "line" went through, the base was the lower half of the man's body, and a sunken tree stump, so very cool. Ok, now, stay seated. This coffee table maybe 4' long, and sculpture part, a yard or a little bigger, was $18,849.00!! This artist had 2 other smaller tables too, I didn't look at those prices.
Along the hallway to the rest rooms, from the food court, they had all these alcoves, that pointed out and were made entirely of glass, these alcoves had the wares of chair makers, stained glass artists, bird houses, and bird feeders and slate signs, in each one. and on the inside wall of the hallway were paintings, prints, and calligraphy works. There was a really nice one, about fishing and it had a small 3D built fish(out of natural materials) on the top, then a poem. I would say it was like 10 x 13...the price $69.00. When we came out of the rest rooms, we saw other people sitting in the chairs and taking pictures, so I offered to use their camera and get them all in the picture, and asked if they would use my camera and take a couple of shots of us. Now, we were dressed in "long drive clothes" lol--so they aren't the best pictures of us, but they are nice enough, especially with the stained glass and all the sunlight shining through.

Here I made a copy of the "Tamarack" symbol as copied off the post card, I didn't measure anything, I just eyeballed it and use circles and squares punches...not bad I think.
As you can see I made hinges for the 2 post cards, so they can be flipped over and read.
All the flowers(3D) are K&co. and the ribbon, I do not remember who gave me a yard of it, so pretty. Ribbon slide-making memories, fancy clip-making memories. I have to do the journaling, and I am planning on making a small title..."Accidental Tourists" :)
What do you think?