Welcome to my CHRISTMAS STORY,
sharing for Alphabe-Thursday at Jenny's Place
and also for the 12 days of YULE at Lady Cattra's
In 1997, After 12 years of marriage, 13 years of being with my hubby. Ten years of having his miserable mother living with us, and the last year, my being her 24/7 caregiver, along with raising my daughter-15, our son-11and our daughter-10 (the latter 2 with ADHD like me, hubby is ADD and a diabetic so you know there are mood swings, LOL----LIFE is NEVER dull in my house)
I was expecting an Opal ring for my Christmas, I had been asking for one for years. We did not buy gifts for us for each other every year, just once in a few years, this year he had asked for a new cordless drill and a new fishing rod (he actually picked it out and told me where) so Christmas came.
I had lovingly wrapped his drill, and other small gifts, socks etc. and put them under the tree. The rod I put a bow on, and put behind the tree. All the gifts under the tree had the kids name on them, I didn't see any with my name on it. It was Christmas eve, so I said, perhaps he is waiting til the morning.

The morning came with all the havoc of our kids, diving through everything without patience for mom to take pictures etc. Ron opened his drill, loved it, went right to the fishing rod, said "good, you got the right one." Then he stuck his hand inside the tree and pulled out a tiny little gift bag. He said "oh, what is this?" I got excited, I could feel the adrenaline rush, it had to be my Opal ring! He said, "Oh, this is for mommy!" the kids all got quiet, I could barely contain myself. (mind you I am NOT a big jewelry kind of girl, but I have always loved opals, and feel drawn to them, and had wanted an opal ring for years) He brought the little bag over to me, my daughter took the camera, prepping for a photo, she knew what I wanted, she knew I took on more than most mom's (did I say I taught Sunday school and had 2 GS troops), She knew hubby could be very difficult at times, she knew my MIL was a PITA when she was alive, up until September. April was as excited as I was! I opened the bag, took out the small jewelry box. I took a breath, the kids were all yelling "open it mom, open it!" MY heart was beating right out of my chest, I looked at Ron, he had a huge smile on his face. I knew, I KNEW it was my opal ring!! I opened the box, and found...a pair of small gold teddy bear post earrings.

I thought I would burst into tears. I just sat there, staring at them, they were so tiny, looking like they were for a child. Our youngest daughter said, "Those are cute dad, now give mom the real gift." The other 2 chimed in, "YEA, She was so excited, you better give it to her." Ron said, "that is it, other than the small gifts under the tree." (socks, dish towels etc) I put the box back in the bag and hung it back in the tree and said thanks. I then went into the kitchen to get a cup of tea, and cry quietly to myself. Meanwhile, my daughter said to her step-dad, "I think you really messed up." Our son Tom said, "Dad, mom is upset, really, see how calm and quiet she is?" Ron didn't say anything.
While relaxing in the LR, watching the kids play with their new stuff. Ron went over to the love seat and said out loud, "Oh, what is this over here?" He leaned down and brought up a box from behind the love seat. The box was like 5 x7x 4. I started to get excited again, as did the girls, my son was not interested this time. He brought it over to me, it was no wrapped, it was just a cardboard box. He put it on my lap. I looked at it, thinking, ok he did the box-inside-a-box thing. I started to open it, but he pushed his hands between mine and opened the box, and he exclaimed, "OH, the REEL Fairy came!" I looked inside, it was freaking huge-ass fishing reel. I looked at him. Ron said, "The Reel Fairy came and brought the reel to go with the rod Mommy got me." NO ONE said a word. I went upstairs. I heard him say, "What?, what?" that's funny...the REEL fairy, get it?" I did not answer him.
April said, "we get it, it's stupid, and I think you are in trouble with mom." He answered, "I'm always in trouble with your mom."
After sharing this story with friend's of ours a few days after Christmas, they BOTH told him, "Man, you really F***ed-up, you better hurry up and get her that opal ring before you find yourself in divorce court."
I wrote about this story, as a short story- adding other things, like the Christmas party I had the Saturday after Christmas (but said it was the Saturday before Christmas) I added in our Christmas eve candle light service at church on christmas eve. The baking and cooking was included, the wrapping (I used to go all out).
I handed it in as my mid-term that following semester in college to my "Creative Writing professor".
It was titled "The Reel Christmas", I got an A+.
Epilogue: I rec'd my Beautiful Opal ring, that valentine's day. :)
I wish each and every one of you the HAPPIEST of HOLIDAYS, whatever you celebrate and a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!!