Monday, November 7, 2011

Over Haul part I

Well, I am sure you have noticed some changes in the old blog. They have been a long time coming. I am still trying to stick to the theme of the cosmos. This was the closest background that was available that looked decent enough.
The big improvement to me anyway, is having the 3 column footer. It saves so much space and scrolling. though I think it can still be tightened up. I am not sure why they think they need to leave so much space there..."space", HA!  Love it!

Big Thanks to my friend Sara from  Welcome to my Dark Side for helping by shrinking some buttons for me.

Ok, anyone wanna share their opinions thus far??


Sara a.k.a. Eternal Princess Ryan said...

Oh Susan... You are so welcome!!! I am just glad that I could help out!!! Hugs!!!

Star said...

I love it! I really like that's very pretty. =D

Anonymous said...

Love it! The background is lovely! Change is always good to perk things up.

Toriz said...

Not sure if you know, but you can fix the spacing by adjusting the "padding" for that particular area in the html code, I think.

Lynn Stevens said...

WOW Susan, What a surprise, !!! Your blog looks awesome! I need a facelift too, just no time to do it! LOL
Thanks for entering my giveaway . I put you in for the bonus as well. Best of luck!!!
Hugs Lynn

Aisha @The Bewitching Bibliophile said...

I LOVE the new look of the blog, this overhaul is amazing!!!

KristyLee said...

Yep, it's looking good nice work between you and Sara. I just wish she new Wordpress. I would love to "tighten up" some of my buttons. Also my sidebar has gone wonkie?? The lower bar is showing where the 1st bar should be? Oh well. Looks good Susan.